Atascadero announcing updated road construction schedule
–The City of Atascadero is announcing an updated road construction schedule for the 2019 F-14 Pavement Rehabilitation Road Project currently underway throughout town.
Major road construction will be taking place during the week of September 30th, through October 4th, as follows:
Navarette Avenue (Santa Lucia Rd. to San Andres Ave.): Full Depth Reclamation Monday (9/30) and Tuesday (10/1). This work includes milling the existing pavement and soil to a depth of 10 inches, cement treating, regrading and recompacting the material to the final subgrade depth. The material will be allowed to cure for one week before repaving. The road will be closed to through traffic, but residents will be allowed through the construction zone.
Balboa Road (Graves Creek Rd. to San Fernando Rd.): Full Depth Reclamation is now complete and will be allowed to cure prior to repaving. Repaving is currently scheduled for Wednesday (10/2) through Friday (10/4). The roadway will be closed to through traffic during this time, but residents of Balboa Road will be allowed through the construction zone.
Garcia Road/Santa Cruz Road Intersection: Repaving of this intersection is expected Monday (9/30) through Tuesday (10/1).
Residents are advised that this schedule is tentative and may change if unexpected conditions are encountered. The city and its contractor for this project, Souza Construction, will keep affected residents apprised of the current work schedule to the greatest extent possible, but delays are to be expected during pavement reconstruction efforts and extra travel time should be planned for when leaving or returning home. Please always drive slowly and carefully when near active construction; residents and other roadway travelers are appreciated for their patience during construction.
Following are the next list of roads scheduled for construction as part of this project:
Monterey Road – Campo Road to Del Rio Road
Del Rio Road – Monterey Road to San Gregorio Road
San Gregorio Road – Del Rio Road to Garcia Road
Garcia Road – San Gregorio Road to Santa Cruz Road
This project is funded with Measure F-14 Sales Tax revenue that was approved by Atascadero voters in 2014. For more information, contact Atascadero Public Works at (805) 470-3456.