Assemblyman announces 2018 Legislative Agenda
– Assemblyman Jordan Cunningham (R-San Luis Obispo) outlined his 2018 legislative agenda. The collection of bills introduced this year include measures to combat human trafficking and gang crimes, fund Career Technical Education, strengthen background checks for ride-share drivers, and protect the Central Coast region from the impacts of the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant closure.

Jordan Cunningham.
Assemblyman Cunningham’s 2018 Legislative Agenda includes:
Mitigating effects of the Diablo Closure: A recent ruling by the California Public Utilities Commission blocked key measures to help mitigate the impacts of the nuclear plant closure. Cunningham is working with Senator Bill Monning and local leaders to address this issue legislatively.
Combating human trafficking and protecting victims: Cunningham’s four human trafficking bills seek to establish criteria to protect former trafficking victims for an extended period of time, simplify the process for putting traffickers behind bars, and add solicitation of a trafficking victim to Megan’s Law. The Central Coast has become a corridor for this fast-growing criminal activity. Cunningham’s legislation will further protect victims of gang crimes by ensuring the names of witnesses and victims remain confidential on police reports. Portions of the Central Coast such as Santa Maria suffer from persistent gang activity.
Supporting Career Technical Education: Building on his efforts from last year, Cunningham is joined by a bi-partisan coalition to fund CTE programs in public schools. Specifically, he is seeking annual funding of $500 million for the next 3 school years.
Promoting local craft distillers: This bill will reform archaic laws to give more flexibility to craft distillers. It will allow local distillers to provide services to businesses for company events, deliver a limited number of containers to a consumer via mail, as well as donate products to nonprofits.
Promoting homeownership by banning hidden fees: This legislation would ban hidden fees on homeowners known as private transfer fees, which can unexpectedly disqualify buyers from obtaining loans.
Strengthening background checks for ride-share drivers: After the San Luis Obispo District Attorney filed ten charges against a local ride-sharing driver – ranging from burglary to rape – it has become clear that more needs to be done to ensure public safety in this important area. This legislation will ensure drivers with serious criminal convictions are precluded from driving for ride-share companies such as Uber or Lyft.
Cunningham’s legislative portfolio builds on successes from last year when he authored six bills signed into law. His efforts helped small businesses on the Central Coast, protected victims of sexual assault, promoted nonprofits and the winery community, ended the unfair Fire Tax, and replaced outdated school buses with low emission vehicles.