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Accident on Highway 46 at Vineyard Drive results in one fatality 

 – One motorcyclist sustained fatal injuries and another major injuries in an accident that occurred on Highway 46 on Thursday morning, California Highway Patrol reports.

On Thursday, at approximately 10:15 a.m., a tractor trailer combo (big rig) was traveling West on Highway 46, just East of Vineyard Drive, at approximately five-l0 miles per hour, intending to make a left turn onto Vineyard.

Behind the tractor trailer were three motorcycles that had passed two vehicles East of where the collision occurred. After passing the two vehicles and returning to the westbound lane, the three riders had to make a hard brake and take evasive action due to the big rig slowing to turn onto Vineyard.

Both the first rider and second rider made it to the right shoulder. The third rider lost control of his motorcycle and continued into the rear end of the tractor trailer and was ejected. The third rider’s motorcycle spun and collided with the first rider’s motorcycle, ejecting the first rider.

One of the riders was transported to Sierra Vista with major injuries. One of the riders was uninjured, and one of the riders was pronounced dead at the scene, according to CHP.

Names have not been released yet, but both the rider that was killed and the rider that was injured were from Arizona.

Although drugs and or alcohol do not appear to be a factor in this collision, the collision is currently under investigation. Updates will be posted.


About the author: News Staff

News staff of the A-Town Daily News wrote and edited this article from local contributors and press releases. Scott Brennan is the publisher of this newspaper and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on , Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog. He can be reached at [email protected].

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