SLO Airport announces mask mandate lifted for passengers
Mandate lifted effective immediately
– Effective immediately, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) will no longer be enforcing a federal mandate requiring passengers and employees to wear masks while in airports.
“Due to today’s court ruling, effective immediately, TSA will no longer enforce its security directives and emergency amendment requiring mask use on public transportation and transportation hubs,” the agency shared in a public statement. “TSA will also rescind the new security directives that were scheduled to take effect tomorrow. CDC continues to recommend that people wear masks in indoor public transportation settings at this time.”
While this change of enforcement applies specifically to airports and other forms of federal public transportation, airlines and locales may continue to have their own COVID-19 mask policies. Travelers are encouraged to reach out to airlines and contacts at their destination for specific details about their itineraries.
Above and beyond any mask mandate, the San Luis Obispo County Regional Airport Authority already has several health and safety policies in place, including increased cleanings, staff training, and regular technical assessments.