‘A Time of Remembrance’ ceremony honors survivors of violence

The event is for anyone who has been a victim of, and/or has survived, a violent act and for family and friends who may be the survivor of an act of violence.
Online event presented by Willshire Hospice
– A Time of Remembrance, a ceremony created to bring together survivors of violence, will take place Wednesday, Jan. 26 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. The event, presented by Wilshire Hospice, is being offered online specifically so those who wish to retain their anonymity may do so at: https://calpoly.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ZC0PSTNzRjmMJ5ZEEB8uWLw.
The event is for anyone who has been a victim of, and/or has survived, a violent act and for family and friends who may be the survivor of an act of violence. Wilshire Hospice presenters will offer time to mourn as a community, honor the many ways the experience of violence changes our lives and provide a space for healing.
The featured speaker is Suzanne Neuhaus, herself a survivor of a violent act that touched her family, who works to facilitate healing from harm through personal accompaniment and restorative dialogue. Wilshire Hospice bereavement counselors are also available for follow-up should extra support be desired.
About Wilshire Hospice
Wilshire Hospice provides patients and their families with a dedicated and skilled care team of medical professionals, therapists, musicians, social workers, counselors, and volunteers.
Wilshire Hospice is located at 285 South Street, Suite J in San Luis Obispo and serves San Luis Obispo County residents. For more information, call (805) 782-8608 x2434.