Ribbon cutting for county’s first detox center happening Friday

The MAT Center is located at 34 Prado Road on the campus of CAPSLO’s 40 Prado Homeless Services Center.
Withdrawal treatment facility on pace to open its doors this fall
–The long-awaited opening of the county’s first detox, or Medically Assisted Withdrawal Treatment Center (MAT) is happening with a ribbon cutting on Friday, Aug. 20 at 11:30 a.m.
The MAT Center located at 34 Prado Road on the campus of CAPSLO’s 40 Prado Homeless Services Center, is a new project to meet an articulated need expressed by the community, local law enforcement agencies, San Luis Obispo County Drug and Alcohol Services, county and local government, and other social service agencies. The facility will incorporate medically assisted withdrawal treatment and a residential program to be managed by the county.
With support from county agencies, private donors and an anchor grant from Bank of America, the project came together despite a last-minute huge rise in construction costs.
“The MAT has been a dream of the community, decades in the making, to help those struggling with addiction locally. I am so grateful to Bank of America for providing this grant to fully fund this center,” said Elizabeth “Biz” Steinberg, CAPSLO CEO.
Anyone in San Luis Obispo County with a drug or mental health issue can be admitted to the withdrawal treatment facility that’s on pace to open its doors this fall.
Attendees should park at the Elks and take free shuttle. The program begins at noon.
For more information visit www.capslo.org or call (805) 544-4355.