We Help You Legal of Paso Robles Reports ‘Documents to include in a living trust’
-The Advanced Health Care Directive (AHCD), sometimes referred to as a “living will,” specifies an individual’s directives for end-of-life medical care or in the event someone is not able to make their own decisions. People often combine the AHCD and a durable power of attorney with a living trust and the Paso Robles and San Luis Obispo staff of We Help You Legal reports some of the top reasons for doing so.
A living trust holds assets that are to be distributed upon the death of the trust owner (trustor). The trustee of a living trust also has the responsibility to pay debts before distributing the assets, and these debts may include things such as funeral expenses and medical bills. There is also the possibility that some daily living expenses may need to be paid from the trust if the trustor is unable to do so.
Every adult needs an AHCD; anyone at any age can be seriously injured or become terminally ill. The AHCD makes sure you have the medical care you want and relieves loved ones of making those decisions. Adding a durable power of attorney, makes sure medical and other bills are paid, legal matters concerning finances and possessions, even pending legal issues are appropriately addressed.
We Help You Legal, providing legal document assistance for living wills in Paso Robles has compiled the top reasons people decide to set up an estate plan that includes a living trust combined with an AHCD and durable power of attorney:
- When bills are going to be paid from living trust assets, the durable power of attorney specifies who can access those funds and pay the bills. The living trust specifies how those funds are made available to the person named in the power of attorney.
- The trustee of the living trust may be authorized to make certain decisions about managing the trust in the event the trustor is unable to do so, but not decisions about other legal matters. A durable power of attorney designates someone to make legal decisions on your behalf.
- A durable power of attorney designates someone to handle financial issues on your behalf while you are alive but incapacitated or unable to act for yourself. The trustee of the Living Trust is authorized to distribute the trust when you pass.
- The AHCD, along with specifying end-of-life wishes, usually specifies someone to make medical decisions on your behalf, and specifies other matters such as burial, cremation and organ donations.
- Authorizing different individuals to manage the living trust, pay bills and make legal decisions, and make health care decisions shares the responsibilities, taking the entire burden off of one person’s shoulders.
We Help You Legal assists with legal documents for living trusts in the Paso Robles and San Luis Obispo offices, also provides a downloadable estate plan package that includes:
- Revocable Living Trust
- Certification of Trust
- Pour of Will
- Power of Attorney for Healthcare Management
- Power of Attorney for Financial Management
- Final arrangements
We Help You Legal specialize in Living Trust, Divorce, LLC/Corporation, and other legal document matters. Bringing 20 years of experience and professionalism to every service, the staff customizes support to your individual needs and concerns.
We Help You legal is a “self-help” legal document assistance company that provides document preparation without the high cost of an attorney. We Help You Legal, Inc. is not a law firm. We cannot represent you in court, advise you about your legal rights or the law, or select forms for you.
We Help You Legal
720 10th St
Paso Robles CA 93446
(805) 237-7770