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Letter to the editor: Attack on Mayor Heather Moreno is a smear campaign 

Letter to the editor atascadero

To the editor,

Regarding ‘Atascadero Citizens for Accountability’ and Josh Donovan

–This “group” is running a smear campaign the likes of which has never been seen in Atascadero. Just to be clear, the reason I put the word group in quotes is because it isn’t a group, it’s a company. The owner of the company who is paying for the “group” doesn’t live in Atascadero. So almost none of the group’s name is true. Also, no city has a citizens group for accountability like the way this group describes it so its “charter” is also a lie.

Reference: Controversial campaign ads target Heather Moreno and Jerry Tanimoto

I think mayoral candidate Josh Donovan should step forward and tell this group to take a hike as he is benefiting from their smear campaign and riding on its coattails as well. His latest smear email, which includes words saying Mayor Moreno isn’t supported by the police, is just another pack of lies that we real Atascadero citizens should be angry about. The police, fire, and many businesses and real citizens fully support Mayor Heather Moreno for the main reasons that she is qualified, smart, and very good at being mayor. Her leadership has kept Atascadero strong and comes from the heart.

Mr. Donovan should be ashamed of his campaign and the lies he tells about the other mayoral candidates. He should drop out and find his own voice and maybe try running for something less challenging so he can learn what it takes to run a city before trying to be the mayor. Hiring the worst qualified person to do the job isn’t the smart choice and never will be.

Please do vote, but just not for this guy. He’s not ready to lead Atascadero if his plan is to lie and smear others to get the job.


Adam Cravets
Citizen of Atascadero

Editor’s note: Letters to the editor are personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of the A-Town Daily or its staff. We welcome letters from local residents regarding relevant local topics. To submit one, click here.

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