PG&E to resume transmission tower maintenance work
–PG&E will resume essential electrical transmission tower maintenance work, to include replacement of fiber cable in San Luis Obispo County, adjacent to CA Highway 41 between Atascadero Road and Morro Bay. The work, which involves helicopter operations and began last spring, was postponed after partial completion. Work was completed in May along a second transmission line near CA Highway 1 in Los Osos, ending near Benjamino Way in San Luis Obispo.
Work is scheduled to begin on Wednesday, Oct. 14, along PG&E’s Templeton – Morro Bay transmission line adjacent to CA Highway 41 beginning near Atascadero Road and in a southwesterly direction approaching Morro Bay. Work generally will be conducted between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m.
No electric service interruption to customers is expected; however, if there’s any change customers who will be affected will be notified. Customers within a two-mile radius of the work zone are being notified by mail and automated telephone messages about the potential for helicopter and/or construction noise.
Essential maintenance is required to reinforce several transmission tower structures, including adding foundation reinforcements and steel bracing on tower legs. Also, optical ground wire (fiber) requires replacement in order to maintain communication networks used by PG&E and approved competitive local exchange carriers (CLEC).