County announces more business openings, five cases added Wednesday
–On May 13, San Luis Obispo County Public Health Officer Penny Borenstein announced that the following businesses can “begin immediately to open for business.”
- Office-based businesses. Telecommuting is still the preferred option and that is especially true for people who are at higher risk for bad outcomes from the disease. Individuals over the age of 65, individuals with medical conditions and in offices where physical distancing is not very feasible.
- Child care may resume for all sectors of the community. and not just the essential workforce.
- Landscaping/gardening
- Pet grooming, which is something the county had already done and is now approved at the state level
- Car washes
- Outdoor museums and open gallery spaces.
Borenstein also announced that resources to help businesses open and prepare to open are available on the website. The direct link is\reopening.
Earlier in the briefing, Borenstein said, “I am pleased to report that the state is hearing our pleas to move faster. I have had direct dialog with the state public health director on several occasions. I believe from our conversations that we are being heard and that in the days to come that we will find a path forward in this county to move further into the state’s Stage 2.”
Borenstein encouraged retail businesses and restaurants to visit\reopening. to begin to prepare tor in-store shopping and in-restaurant dining. As soon as the county is given the green light by the state “we are prepared to allow that to happen immediately,” said Borenstein. “We continue to be hopeful that will be a matter of days and not weeks.”