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COVID-19 Update: Three new cases reported Thursday afternoon, nine new recoveries 

COVID-19 Update- Three new cases reported Thursday afternoon, nine new recoveries–As of Thursday afternoon, the County of San Luis Obispo reported three additional COVID-19 coronavirus cases, bringing the confirmed total to 184.

There are now 145 recovered cases, up nine from Wednesday. 32 are recovering at home. One person has died from the virus. Seven people are hospitalized, none are in an ICU.

The county is in the process of creating two more testing sites, one in Paso Robles and one in Grover Beach. Stay tuned for more information regarding testing and who will be eligible. The framework for the phased reopening of the county is expected to be released today, according to county officials. The County Health Department has been going live on their Facebook page between 3 and 3:15 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays to provide updates on the shutdowns and latest data.

Local beaches are not currently scheduled to close, despite local reports that said a memo from the Governor was going to order beach closures state-wide. The Governor clarified Thursday that only Orange County beaches will be forced to close. Local officials expressed their opposition for the forced closures in a series of statements. 

Locals are planning a peaceful and non-partisan Stand for Freedom rally in Paso Robles today in Paso Robles Downtown City Park at 12 p.m. in response to the effects of COVID-19 Shelter at Home restrictions.

Distribution of COVID-19 cases in San Luis Obispo County

  • Paso Robles reported COVID-19 cases: 61
  • Atascadero reported COVID-19 cases: 31
  • Arroyo Grande reported COVID-19 cases: 19
  • Nipomo reported COVID-19 cases: 14
  • City of San Luis Obispo reported COVID-19 cases: 14
  • Templeton reported COVID-19 cases: 7
  • San Miguel reported COVID-19: 7
  • Pismo Beach reported COVID-19 cases: 7
  • Morro Bay reported COVID-19 cases: 6
  • CA Men’s colony – 8
  • Other San Luis Obispo County reported COVID-19 cases: 10

Ages of COVID-19 cases in San Luis Obispo County

  • Age 0-17 years old – 12
  • Age 18-49 years old – 73
  • Age 50 – 64 years  – 56
  • Age 65 and older – 43

Cases of COVID-19 by status in San Luis Obispo County

  • At home – 32
  • Hospitalized – 7
  • Recovered – 144
  • Deaths – 1

Source of transmission of COVID-19 cases in San Luis Obispo County

  • Travel related transmission – 49
  • Known person-to-person transmission – 73
  • Unknown community-acquired transmission – 59
  • Unknown – 0

Governor announces new online portal to help parents find local and convenient child care options

Governor Gavin Newsom announced a new portal to help parents, including essential workers and vulnerable families, find safe, reliable and accessible child care options.

“Our essential workers deserve to go to work knowing their kids are safe and cared for,” said Governor Newsom. “They’re there for our families, keeping hospitals, grocery stores and schools open during this pandemic. We need to be there for them. Our new portal will make accessing child care easier by allowing parents to find options that are convenient and reliable for their families.”

The new portal is available at and enables parents to enter their location and the type of care they need, instantly receiving a list of local center-based and family child care programs. The list of open, licensed child care programs will include health and safety information, age of children accepted, capacity, availability, hours, and contact information for the program and local Child Care Resource and Referral agency. The Child Care Resource and Referral agencies can answer general questions, including those about child care subsidies.

The Governor has made child care a priority during the COVID-19 pandemic. On March 16, the Department of Social Services (DSS) released guidance allowing for the fast-tracked rollout of temporary employer-sponsored child care to ensure that child care services are available for working families in need while schools are physically closed. DSS is available to help communities statewide with technical assistance to set up pop-up child care programs. As of today, there are 432 temporary pop-up child care programs throughout California.

On April 10, thanks to swift action from the Legislature to pass SB 89, the Governor allocated $50 million for child care vouchers which prioritize children at risk of abuse, neglect, or exploitation, as well as children of essential workers under 85 percent of the State Medium Income. An additional $50 million will go toward child care facility cleaning and provides reimbursements for child care providers to purchase gloves, face coverings, cleaning supplies and labor. Checks are now being processed by the State Controller’s Office and should be received in the next few weeks.

Today’s announcement follows previous announcements by the Governor to support essential workers and families impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Governor signed two executive orders in early April creating licensing and contracting flexibility and expanding access to child care subsidies and after-school programs for essential workers.



About the author: News Staff

News staff of the A-Town Daily News wrote and edited this article from local contributors and press releases. Scott Brennan is the publisher of this newspaper and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on , Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog. He can be reached at [email protected].

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