Atascadero road resurfacing project begins this week
–The City of Atascadero is pleased to announce that road construction for the 2020 Pavement Resurfacing Project will begin on Monday, April 27, 2020.
This work includes pavement rehabilitation and resurfacing on the following roadway segments:
- San Anselmo Road – from Monterey Road to Ardilla Road
- Ardilla Road – from San Anselmo Road to Portola Road
- Portola Road – from Ardilla Road to Hwy 41
- Curbaril Avenue – from US 101 to Acacia Road
These roadway segments are heavily used by motorists. This project will utilize light pavement rehabilitation and resurfacing methods to extend the life of the existing roadway in a cost-effective way. Souza Construction has been hired by the city to complete construction for this project.
The following is a tentative schedule of work for the project. Please note that many factors, including weather, could alter the planned schedule.
April 27-May 1, 2020: Repair localized areas of failed pavement on Ardilla Road and Curbaril Avenue (near the train tracks) and mill and overlay San Anselmo Road and Ardilla Road. Significant traffic impacts and delays are expected on San Anselmo Road and Ardilla Road. Motorists are highly encouraged to use alternative routes.
May 4-May 15, 2020: Pavement preparatory work on Portola Road and Curbaril Avenue including grinding of raised cracks and crack sealing. Traffic impacts are expected to be minor, but please be careful when driving near construction activities.
Mid-May, 2020: Pavement resurfacing (microsurfacing) of Portola Road and Curbaril Avenue. Traffic impacts will again be light, but there will be short closures of roadway segments during this time to allow the microsurfacing to cure.
Access to businesses and properties will be maintained during construction. However, there may be short periods of time when driveway access cannot be used. The city and its contractor will work closely with the business and property owners to minimize this inconvenience while allow the construction to progress.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this project, contact Atascadero Public Works at (805) 470-3456 or [email protected].