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Roadwork to begin for San Anselmo Road at Highway 101 

city of atascadero–Roadwork for San Anselmo Road will begin on Monday, April 13. This work is part of the San Anselmo Road (West) Pavement Rehabilitation Project that involves pavement reconstruction of San Anselmo Road between El Camino Road and Monterrey Road, including the US 101 on and off-ramp intersections. This section is heavily used by motorists and pavement conditions are very poor. Papich Construction has been hired by the City to complete construction for this project.

The following is a tentative schedule of work for the project. Please note that many factors, including weather, could alter the planned schedule.

April 13-17, 2020: Concrete work to replace curb ramps and cross-gutters and preparatory work for paving. Limited traffic impacts and delays are expected.

April 20-24, 2020: Full pavement reconstruction at southbound US 101 intersection and pavement overlay from El Camino Real to Monterrey Road. Significant traffic impacts and delays are expected. Motorists are highly encouraged to use alternative routes during this work.

April 27, 2020 and after: Pavement marking, utility adjustments, traffic signal loop reinstallation, and other minor work will occur. Intermittent and limited traffic impacts and delays are expected during this work.

Please contact Atascadero Public Works at (805) 470-3456 or [email protected] for questions or concerns regarding this project.

About the author: News Staff

News staff of the A-Town Daily News wrote and edited this article from local contributors and press releases. Scott Brennan is the publisher of this newspaper and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on , Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog. He can be reached at [email protected].

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