Stadium Park attracting hikers
Local trails remain open for the time being
–Although physical “social distancing” is the order of the day, the recent spring weather inspired hikers to hit the trails of Stadium Park in Atascadero.
The park was once used by Atascadero founder E. G. Lewis as an amphitheater for concerts and events. Photos taken at the park in the early 1900’s show hundreds of people gathered for concerts in a natural bowl about a half mile inside the park. Today, visitors climb switch-backs that lead up the walls of the canyon and take hikers into the interior.
The lush vegetation is green, and some of the trees are blooming. Hawks and blue jays are swooping through the Coast Live Oak. Occasionally, deer forage for food on the hillsides.
Hiking trails are open for now open if people practice proper social distancing, but county officials are talking about possibly closing them in the future. For now, Stadium Park creates a delightful escape from “shelter at home” for those living in the Atascadero area.
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