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Letter: Ellen Beraud has my vote 

To the editor,

Mailboxes, newspapers, and airwaves continue to deliver the District 5 incumbent Supervisor’s campaign ads accusing her opponent of dishonoring veterans. It would appear a choice has been made to dismiss the fact that this ongoing claim has been proven not to be true by the minutes of record for the March 27, 2007 Atascadero City Council meeting. It’s unfortunate that the undignified strategy of fear-mongering and deception is being employed. Such malicious tactics would not appear to align with any qualities we might associate with leadership.

Fortunately, District 5 residents have the choice to elect a genuine leader that is actually willing to represent the county’s best interests with respect, dignity and integrity. Our vote is our voice and 5th District residents deserve good-faith representation that values objectivity, truth, and policies that support the future livability of our county. That’s why I’m supporting Ellen Beraud for 5th District Supervisor on March 3rd.

Looking at Ellen Beraud’s past experiences as Planning Commissioner, City Councilwoman, and Mayor of Atascadero, it’s readily apparent that she’s honest, competent, and will rely on verifiably accurate information to represent ALL of us, not just a few special interests.

Charles Kleemann
Santa Margarita


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