Housing element workshop happening Tuesday
–The City of Atascadero is beginning the process of planning for future housing sites in the city. This process involves community input on revising a part of the city’s General Plan known as the Housing Element. This process will help the city accommodate our regional share of housing units that can accommodate a wide variety of income levels and housing types.
The housing element is an opportunity to tackle Atascadero’s housing needs through meaningful and effective policies. It also identifies specific places in the community where additional housing should be located. To be truly valuable, the housing element update requires significant public engagement and input.
The city invites you to participate this Tuesday, Jan. 28. The city is hosting a public workshop at City Hall from 2-4 p.m. and the city council will hold a study session with the planning commission beginning at 6 p.m. in the council chambers.
Attendees will:
- Learn more about the update process
- Help identify specific needs and opportunities
- Help identify areas with development potential
- Share insights and ideas on how the city can improve housing opportunities.
For more information, go to www.atascadero.org/housingelement.