Cuesta College Spring 2020 Semester begins Jan. 21

Courses are available at three locations, including the San Luis Obispo Campus, the North County Campus in Paso Robles, and the South County Center at Arroyo Grande High School.
–Cuesta College’s spring semester begins Jan 21, and students can continue signing up for open classes through Feb 2. Courses are still available in many areas such as art, English, foreign languages, music, and more. Also offered are courses in Career Technical Education that provide hands-on training and skills for today’s job market – degrees and certificates are available in programs including agriculture, automotive technology, computer information systems, and welding. Open classes are available in the Spring 2020 class finder.
New for the spring semester is the installation of electric vehicle charging stations as part of Cuesta College’s initiative to promote sustainability. PG&E funded the electrical and infrastructure work through the college’s participation in the company’s EV Charge Network – a 3-year program to offer electric vehicle charger installations at select locations in PG&E’s service area. Additionally, Cuesta College also received $125K in grants from the Air Pollution Control District to support the purchase and installation of the charging stations.
“Electric vehicles produce zero direct carbon emissions, so their usage supports cleaner air quality and plays a part in limiting the impact of climate change,” said Dan Troy, Associate Superintendent / Vice President of Student Services. “If students and staff know that they can charge right on campus, they may feel more comfortable about purchasing an electric vehicle or hybrid the next time they go car shopping. There are growing interest and demand for electric vehicles, so I’m thrilled that Cuesta can adapt to the needs of our driving commuters while supporting a cleaner environment.”
There will be 24 charging stations on the San Luis Obispo Campus, and 16 at the North County Campus. The charge for use is $1.50 per hour for the first four hours and $2.50 per hour after that. The charging stations will be operational by the end of January.
Also new for the spring semester are student services initiatives and events. In observance of Pi Day, March 14, 2020, the North County Campus will be hosting a community event in celebration of the mathematical constant π. Pi Day is designed for young community members to participate in a variety of fun, hands-on activities while learning the importance mathematics plays in our every-day life.
In partnership with the Paso Robles High School District and Cuesta College, the 4th Annual Career Expo for high school students will be held in Apr 2020 at the North County campus. Junior and Senior high school students will participate in customized workforce industry sessions facilitated by joint community business partners. The students will get a deeper understanding of the various skills and education they need to accomplish their career goals.
Cuesta College Student Services/Student Health Services applied for and received a competitive Mental Health Services Grant from the Chancellor’s Office, which will begin May 2020. This grant includes the hiring of an additional part-time licensed mental health therapist and an academic success coach to provide support to students with Autism and other disorders.
Through a grant award received in Spring 2019, Cuesta College will host a Summer 2020 Academy for incoming first-time Promise Scholarship students. The Summer Academy will consist of a College Success Studies course and a kinesiology course. It will also include university visits and field trips to local businesses aligned with college majors and student interests. Enrollment fees, textbooks, transportation, and lunch are provided to all program participants. For more information, please contact Jeffery Alexander, Director of Outreach and Enrollment Services, at (805) 546-3100 ext. 2299 or [email protected].
Courses are available at three locations, including the San Luis Obispo Campus, the North County Campus in Paso Robles, and the South County Center at Arroyo Grande High School. Classes may also be taken online and via dual enrollment through local high schools.
The spring semester runs through May 22. The college also offers a variety of less than full-term courses that run between 17 and three weeks, as well as short courses that can be completed in two weeks or less.
Currently, there are almost 8,000 students enrolled in courses at Cuesta College for the Spring 2020 semester. Course fees are $46 per unit. Students with questions regarding registration and financial aid should visit the Cuesta College Admissions & Aid webpage.