Sheriff’s office announces ‘Smart 911’ program

With Smart911, the public can link both home and work addresses to mobile phones, which can be passed on to responders in the field for more a detailed, rapid response. You can also add details about medical conditions, medications, vehicles, pets, emergency contacts, even photos of family members.
–The San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Office has announced that Smart911 is now available in San Luis Obispo County. Smart911 is a free service that allows individuals and families to sign up online to provide key information to 9-1-1 dispatchers during an emergency.
Smart911 allows the public to create a Safety Profile at for their household that includes any information they want 9-1-1 and response teams to have in the event of an emergency. When a citizen makes an emergency call, their Safety Profile is automatically displayed to the 9-1-1 dispatcher, allowing them to send the right response teams to the right location with the right information.
With Smart911, the public can link both home and work addresses to mobile phones, which can be passed on to responders in the field for more a detailed, rapid response. You can also add details about medical conditions, medications, vehicles, pets, emergency contacts, even photos of family members. All information is optional and you have the ability to choose what details you would like to include.
Smart911 is private and secure, is only used for emergency responses, and only made available to the 9-1-1 system in the event of an emergency call.
The sheriff’s Office encourages the public to sign up for Smart911 at It’s fast, it’s free and it can help save time and most importantly, save lives.