Women’s march announces availability of new grant
–Women’s March San Luis Obispo (WMSLO) has announced the availability of a new grant for students interested in pursuing projects that align with the mission and goals of WMSLO. These include issues such as civil rights, LGBTQIA rights, immigrant rights, environmental justice, and others.
Grants of up to $500 are available for eligible students. The funds dispersed come from money raised during WMSLO’s March for Our Lives event in March of 2018.
Women’s March Organizers said, “This grant program is for any age student in SLO County. It’s important to us to fund student projects, because we are creating change from the grassroots. Students in this county are the perfect people to take the reigns of change and drive our future. We can’t wait to see what their project ideas look like.”
Students may apply for a grant online at https://womensmarchslo.com/student-grant-application/.
Women’s March SLO is a local, fiscally sponsored, nonprofit organization that promotes women’s rights, human rights, social and environmental justice, and advocates for a more positive and just future.