City releases road maintenance Information
–Due to the recent heavy rainfall which has resulted in a number of potholes to occur throughout town, the city of Atascadero would like to share some important and timely information regarding the city’s roads.
Atascadero residents are strongly encouraged to report potholes located in city maintained roadways, either by calling the Public Works Department at (805) 470-3148, or by visiting the city’s website at and navigating to “I Want To,” “Report,” and then specifying the location of the pothole. During dry weather, potholes are typically repaired within a week or two of reporting the pothole to the City. Other unsafe street conditions such as street light issues and dead animals may also be reported to the city in a similar manner.
The City of Atascadero Public Works Department is responsible for the maintenance of about 150 lane miles of paved roads and shoulders within the city limits. There are also approximately 30 additional miles of roadway in Atascadero that are not maintained by the city, but instead are the responsibility of the adjoining residences. In general, those streets with a white street sign are not maintained by the city. There is an interactive map that can be found on the city’s website under the Public Works Department tab, which has specific information about which streets in Atascadero fall under the city-maintained or non-city maintained category.
Cold mix asphalt is made available free of charge to residents of Atascadero by the city for use in the public right of way; on publicly owned, non-city maintained roads only. Cold Mix Asphalt may be used to fill potholes and for other minor road repairs, but may not be used for speed bumps, drainage berms or private driveways. Cold mix can be obtained by residents at Fire Station 1 at 6005 Lewis Avenue in Atascadero. A five-gallon bucket and shovel are recommended to pick up the cold mix.
Pothole repair undertaken in non-city maintained roadways can be accomplished by cleaning the area to be repaired of any loose material or debris. It isn’t necessary to remove all dirt from the hole, but make sure to take out any large objects and remove most of the loose material. Pour the cold mix asphalt directly into the hole, establishing an approximate two-inch base; then use a tamping tool or shovel to compact the material in the hole. The key to a good repair is compaction; the better the compaction, the better the repair. After applying a two-inch base, reapply and compact in two-inch increments. Once the hole has been filled and fully compacted, apply a small crown to the repair area to allow for additional compaction. This will allow the cold mix to continue to settle once driven over.
For additional information, please contact the Public Works Department at (805) 470-3148