Creekside Building in Atascadero is close to completion

The red pin indicates where the Creekside Building is located.
—The Creekside Building located in Atascadero is in escrow and in the process of being sold to Colony Creekside LLC, according to the city manager’s report at the Feb. 13 Atascadero City Council meeting. The building is scheduled to close escrow within 30 days.
Ownership of the transit center and plaza will not transfer to Colony Creekside and instead go to Atascadero. Colony Creekside LLC has several parties interested in the lease. Estimated total fees and closing costs for the seller are at $4,600 and purchase of the property was $2,200,000, according to a special meeting agenda for a Jan. 11 meeting.
“We look forward to having the building occupied and the tenants a part of our downtown in the next few months. It’s moving very quickly and we’re excited to see it be occupied,” said Rachelle Rickard, the city manager, at the meeting.
The Creekside building is located at 8834 Morro Road in Atascadero.