Atascadero road improvement projects progress
Update from Atascadero City Manager Rachelle Rickard
–The City of Atascadero is responsible for maintaining over 140 miles of roadway within the city. Throughout the city’s history, this vast infrastructure has always been and continues to be challenging to maintain and operate with the limited resources available. In Nov. of 2014, Atascadero voters approved a half-cent Sales Tax Measure known as Measure F-14 for road repair and maintenance projects. As recommended by the voters, revenue generated by F-14 is put to use with an emphasis on neighborhood roads, rather than on thoroughfares such as El Camino Real.
Revenues received by the city from other road funding sources focus primarily on the arterial roads that carry larger volumes of traffic.
The city has inspected and entered pavement conditions for every city-maintained road into a pavement management software program that uses the “Critical Point Management” (CPM) methodology to develop a prioritization plan for all road work needed within the city. In June of 2015 and very shortly after the first funding from Measure F-14 was received by the city, the highest priority road repair and maintenance projects being funded by F-14 were begun.
These projects which have now been completed totaling 6.8 miles and include portions of:
• Alamo and Honda Avenues
• Arena Road
• Castano Avenue
• San Vicente Avenue
• Yerba Avenue
• Cascabel Road
• Los Gatos Road
• San Andres Avenue
• San Clemente Avenue
• Valle Avenue
• Colorado Avenue
• Estrada Avenue
• La Linia Avenue
• Navajoa Avenue
• Serra Avenue
• Sycamore Road
In addition to the Measure F-14 funded repairs, other separately funded road improvement projects that have been recently completed or are now underway include all or portions of Lakeside Drive and Santa Barbara Road.
With each budgeting cycle, roadway repairs and improvements are included in the budget and are selected using CPM. The Council recently adopted the City’s new two-year, 2017-2019 Budget, which includes funding, under Measure F-14 Rehabilitation/Resurfacing Projects or under the Capital Projects section for Road Rehabilitation or Pavement Resurfacing, for repairs of portions of the following highest priority roadways:
F-14 Projects (8.7 miles): Other Capital Projects (7.6 miles):
• Alcantara Avenue
• Carmelita Road
• Cortez Avenue
• Monterey Road
• Capistrano Avenue
• Nogales Avenue
• Rosario Avenue
• San Benito Road
• Tunitas Avenue
• Balboa Road
• Garcia Road
• Monterey Road
• Navarette Avenue
• El Camino Real – North
• San Anselmo – East
• East Front Road
• Santa Lucia Road
• Viejo Camino
• El Camino Real – Central
• Curbaril Avenue – West
• Santa Rosa Road
• Santa Barbara Road
• Viejo Camino
• San Jacinto Avenue
• San Anselmo Road – West
Utilizing F-14 funding and our other capital projects funding sources for road repairs, we’re extremely pleased with the quantity and quality of the projects that have now been completed, are currently underway or are planned for completion in the near future.
As always, if you have any questions regarding this or any other topic concerning the city, please feel free to contact me at [email protected].