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Eagle Ranch Development Project placed on temporary hold 


–Representatives from Smith-Hobson LLC, the Eagle Ranch Project development team have asked the City of Atascadero to place the annexation project temporarily on hold while they take more time to do further analysis. The city has currently stopped all work on the project.

The Eagle Ranch Specific Plan proposes the annexation of an undeveloped 3,457± acre area adjacent to the City of Atascadero’s southern boundary. The majority of the site is part of the Historic Atascadero Colony originally established by E.G. Lewis’ 1914 Atascadero Colony Map. The proposed project includes a reconfiguration of existing single-family residential lots and an area for multi-family units; plus, space for a resort hotel, a village center, a restaurant, a park, an equestrian staging area and miles of roads, multi-use trails, paths, and open space.

In a statement issued by the Eagle Ranch partners, David S. Armstrong, CEO of Smith- Hobson LLC stated, “Significant new information became available over the last few weeks. This information impacts the feasibility and marketability of the proposed project. The Eagle Ranch team asked the city to pause the project while they sort through the implications of this information. The project team is working as quickly as possible to assess the issues.”

According to the City’s Community Development Director Phil Dunsmore, “With hundreds of comments on the Draft EIR and a better understanding of the mitigation measures that would be required for the project, Eagle Ranch has asked for more time. The city has not received any indication from the development team about how much time will be needed.”

About the author: News Staff

News staff of the A-Town Daily News wrote and edited this article from local contributors and press releases. Scott Brennan is the publisher of this newspaper and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on , Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog. He can be reached at [email protected].

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