Meet the Atascadero Chief of Police

Police Chief Jerel Haley
–The community is invited to meet Atascadero Chief of Police Jerel Haley. Haley is speaking at the Atascadero Chamber of Commerce Women in Business luncheon on June 9 from 11: 30 – 1 p.m. Haley will be speaking about:
- Crime trends and the latest things to be aware of around the City of Atascadero
- Recruitment opportunities and what Atascadero Police Department is doing to recruit for the future
- Community Service Officer and the role of this new position on the police force
The luncheon is at the Pavilion on the Lake, 9315 Pismo, Ave Atascadero. Lunch is catered by Pacific Harvest. Tickets are $22 for chamber members and $25 for non-members.
Register online at the Atascadero Chamber of Commerce website. For more information call (805) 466-2044.
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