Atascadero City Council approves 2016 road report

Public Works Director Nick DeBarr summarizes the 2016 road report for the Atascadero City Council
City road maintenance and improvements funded by Measure F-14 income
-The Atascadero City Council unanimously voted to approve the 2016 road report at the council’s most recent meeting. The report was submitted by the public works department and the administrative service department.
Public Works Director Nick DeBarr summarized road and street improvement projects that the city has completed since 2015. The improvements were made possible by Sales Tax Measure F-14 that was approved by Atascadero voters in Nov. 2014. Measure F-14 added a half cent to the city sales tax, bringing up to 8-percent. Atascadero retailers began collecting the additional tax on April 1, 2015. The total revenue earned from Measure F-14 for the period of July 2015 to July 2016 was $2,095,116.
After improvement projects for fiscal year 2015-2016, totaling approximately $217,962 and the continued sales tax revenue, $2,373,900 was carried through to the 2016-2017 budget. The approval of the report included approving a $3,500 expenditure to produce a Community Road Report to be mailed to Atascadero residents.