Boys & Girls Club Opens Atascadero After-School Program to 4th and 5th Graders
–The Boys & Girls Club of North SLO County is expanding its after-school program in Atascadero to include 4th and 5th graders. The club provides homework support, recreation and enrichment, fun, and mentoring for youth grades 4-8. The program is held at the Community Church of Atascadero and costs only $20 per child for the remainder of the school year.
Applications will be accepted starting Jan. 9, with the doors opening to 4th and 5th graders on the Jan. 23. “We are so excited to be able to grow our program in Atascadero and serve more families,” said Meghan Harris, director of operations. “I look forward to getting to know every member that walks through our doors.”
The initial funding for the program in Atascadero has been provided by the Atascadero Kiwanis, with a match from Must! Charities. Both organizations have made three-year funding commitments, representing nearly $200,000 on a combined basis to establish Boys & Girls Club programs in Atascadero and help the club establish a local donor base.
The Boys & Girls Club of North SLO County provides high quality, affordable programs for low income youth during the time they are not in school or at home. The after-school program costs only $20 per child for the entire school year, while the full day summer camp is $500 for the entire summer. Its programs are intentionally designed to achieve outcomes in three priority areas: academic achievement, character development and good citizenship, and healthy lifestyles. The club relies on community support to fund its programs.