Nipomo landscape company Central Coast Landscape Products releases report on permeable pavers
–This week, Nipomo landscape company Central Coast Landscape Products, a landscape supply company serving Nipomo and the entire central coast, has released a report on why permeable pavers are a smart landscaping solution for the upcoming rainy season.
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With the rainy season coming along with the changing fall colors and cooler weather, homeowners in the Paso Robles and other North County communities might do well to consider better water management. One might envisage revamping one’s property with permeable pavers as a smart alternative in landscape supply. Use of permeable pavers is a growing trend because with normal pavers where would allow for run-off, permeable pavers can retain up to 80-percent of the rainfall on a property.
Central Coast Landscape Products carries among others a full line of Belgard products. Belgard permeable interlocking concrete pavers (also known in the landscaping biz as PICP) are installed with layers of varying-sized stone or aggregate underneath. These pavers filter and direct storm water to underground aquifers. Permeable paving mimics the way natural land absorbs water, which means any rain that falls on the patio, walkway or driveway seeps back into the ground or the nearest storm drain.
The surface of permeable pavers can be made perfectly flat, with the stone reservoir being contoured to direct water wherever it needs to go. In fact, with a few added design features, the system can be used for water harvesting, with water being usable for irrigation or washing a car.
The benefits to homeowners are that pavers reduce water demand by paving over grassed areas. They also aid landscaping by reducing erosion that occurs when grass is dry or dead. In addition, pavers can help eliminate standing water where mosquitoes can breed and they last much longer than conventional paved surfaces.
The benefits of pavers for communities are that they filter water back underground to recharge local groundwater supplies. They also maintain base flows in rivers to keep ecosystems self sustaining, minimize heat island effect when using highly reflective, light-colored pavers, and reduce water use for landscaping.
Currently, Central Coast Landscape Products is running a 25%-off sale on pavers including such models as Dublin Cobble and Catalina Slate.
Visit Central Coast Landscape Products today for all hard landscape needs, 445 Prado Rd in San Luis Obispo CA 93401. Call (805) 595-3478.
Press release by San Luis Obispo SEO company Access Publishing, 607 Creston Road, Paso Robles, CA 93446. (805) 226-9890.