City of Atascadero accepting applications for advisory panels
Completed applications due by Jan. 20
–The City of Atascadero is seeking to fill two positions on the planning commission, two positions on the parks and recreation commission, and two positions on the citizens’ sales tax oversight committee. All applicants must be residents of the City of Atascadero. Completed applications will be accepted in the city clerk’s office until Friday, Jan. 20, at 5 p.m.
The Planning Commission is a body of seven citizens appointed by the city council who review matters related to land use planning and development. The Parks & Recreation Commission is also a body of seven citizens appointed by the city council, who serve in an advisory capacity in an effort to improve the quality of life through parks and recreation activities. The commissioners serve at the pleasure of the city council. Five commissioners on each commission are directly appointed by each of the five individual Council Members, and serve a two-year term. Two “at-large” appointments on each commission are made by a majority vote of the entire Council, and they serve a two-year term. The current vacancies are for two-year terms. Interested candidates must be a resident of the City of Atascadero and a registered voter in order to qualify.
The Citizens’ Sales Tax Oversight Committee (CSTOC) annually reviews revenues and expenditures from the collection of the half-cent sales tax approved by voters in November 2014. The Committee is comprised of nine members; seven members are appointed to the Committee by individual Atascadero community groups and two members are appointed by the City Council. Appointees must be residents of the City and may not be an elected official.
Those interested in applying for either the Planning or Parks and Recreation Commissions or for the Citizens’ Sales Tax Oversight Committee (CSTOC) may obtain applications on the City’s website homepage at under the “Latest News” section, in person at City Hall located at 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, or by calling the City Clerk’s Office at 470-3400. Interviews with the City Council will be held on January 27th. For more information, please call 805-470-3400.