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PG&E supports charitable giving across the county 


PG&E employees Johnny Apodaca (second from left) and Dawnyel Isler (second from right), are joined by unidentified Salvation Army SLO Corps staff-members after delivering thousands of dollars’ worth of toys, gift cards and cash for the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree gift-giving program for families-in-need.

Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) workers and their families have donated thousands of dollars’ worth of toys and cash, and volunteered significant personal time to support community holiday gift-giving programs sponsored by the Salvation Army and San Luis Obispo County Social Services.

Late last week, PG&E workers from Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP) delivered donated gifts and cash after “adopting” 200 children-in-need in the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree program for SLO County. Individual PG&E workers and several DCPP departments adopted children by filling holiday gift wishes they listed on Angel Tree ornaments/tags. Besides providing thousands of dollars’ worth of joy to children who filled out the tags during a two-week sign-up period in October, DCPP workers also contributed more than $800 in additional cash and gifts for the Salvation Army’s emergency toy distribution scheduled in SLO on Dec. 21.

Meagan Wilson, PG&E DCPP operations shift foreman, served as DCPP coordinator of the Angel Tree event for her sixth straight year. She thanked members who volunteered personal time to support DCPP site gift collection and distribution. “This program continues to be a wild success because all our children were adopted and gifts provided, and we’ll be able to do more, helping the [Salvation Army’s emergency distribution] with that extra money,” Wilson said.

Lt. Vanessa Gonzales, officer of the Salvation Army’s San Luis Obispo Corps, noted the Angel Tree program provides gifts to an estimated 1,000 families-in-need across SLO County. She says her organization’s staff and volunteers always have been grateful for PG&E workers’ participation. “PG&E is one of our biggest donors this year, when it comes to toys and gift cards,” Lt. Gonzales said.

Earlier this month, PG&E employees also partnered with members of the local community to provide toys to SLO County Social Services for distribution to children supported by the following organizations: SLO County Public Health Services’ Medical Therapy program; Children’s Resource Network Arroyo Grande and Paso Robles; and SLO County’s Womenade, which supports families in financial need.

About the author: News Staff

News staff of the A-Town Daily News wrote and edited this article from local contributors and press releases. Scott Brennan is the publisher of this newspaper and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on , Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog. He can be reached at [email protected].

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