Veterans Day celebration comes to the Central Coast
—To mark this Veterans Day on Fri., Nov. 11, the Central Coast Veterans Memorial Museum and American Legion Post 66 will host an open house and military/classic car show from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the San Luis Obispo Veterans Hall, located at Grand and Monterey St in San Luis Obispo.
Over 50 military vehicles, classic cars and motorcycles will be on display. Visitors will benefit from tours of “hidden treasure” in the Veterans Memorial Museum, which honors all veterans; lunch at the “Legion Post” — active since 1919. There will also be a military warbirds flyover at 11 a.m., Grizzly Youth Academy Honor Guard, vendors and displays, screenings of veterans’ interviews and more. Meet Veterans from World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and more. See what Veterans Day is all about. Educate yourself and your children while having fun and relaxing. Come share some time with Central Coast heroes.