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Update: Sad ending to missing family dog 

Update from Giovanna Woods, Aug. 12, 2016: “I got the worse phone call of my life today, I am saddened to announce bud was found deceased this morning. Our world is absolutely shattered, this is a horrible time for my family right now. I appreciate every bodies help in finding him. Thank you so much.”


Original report Aug. 10:

Family dog goes missing from Atascadero

–Family dog Bud was last seen in Atascadero on Thursday, Aug. 4 on Carrizo Road.

He is a black lab/mastiff with a white chest, and was wearing a red collar. He is neutered, and is extremely friendly, according to owner Giovanna Woods. “He is more than our dog, he is our family and we miss him like crazy and are extremely worried about him,” said Woods.Carizzo road atascadero

Woods and her family are from Ventura, but were visiting Atascadero and say they are staying in North County until bud is found.

Anyone who has information about the whereabouts of this dog is encouraged to call Woods at (805) 232-8406.

Bud atascadero

About the author: News Staff

News staff of the A-Town Daily News wrote and edited this article from local contributors and press releases. Scott Brennan is the publisher of this newspaper and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on , Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog. He can be reached at [email protected].

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