Video: Mystery light seen across western states
Beaming sky light captures attention of North County
– Nellis Air Force Base out of Nevada has issued a statement that a meteor entered the atmosphere sometime around 9:30 p.m. on Wednesday night.
Social media was abuzz across the nation about the event, seeking and requesting photos. Some say it was a rocket reentering the earth. Others swear it was a comet and insist it was so because of the way the beaming light was breaking, its cracking tail leaving the telltale signs of a comet.
Western states from Utah, California and Nevada were thrilled to experience the sight.
Our home town communities also witnessed the spectacular event. Many from the San Luis Obispo area claimed to have seen the object whirling through the skies, as well as North County reports from Paso Robles, Santa Margarita, Atascadero, Shandon, Creston, Santa Margarita, Morro Bay, and even people at the Mid State Fair.
No further information is available at this time.
A gaming man, on a hunt for Pokemon, saw a light zoom across the skies, filmed it and posted it on youtube. (See below):