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Cuesta North County Campus breaks ground on project 

Cuesta College Trustee Pat Mullen, Paso Robles Councilman Fred Strong, Cuesta College Superintendent Gil Stork, and Atascadero Mayor Tom O'Malley.

Cuesta College Trustee Pat Mullen, Paso Robles Councilman Fred Strong, Cuesta College President Gil Stork, and Atascadero Mayor Tom O’Malley.

The building will be host to a variety of services currently held in portables

Thursday was the official groundbreaking ceremony at Cuesta College’s North County Campus. The ceremony was held at 10 a.m. in the construction zone on the northeast portion of Parking Lot 10, on what is planned to be a cafeteria. Many residents, students, teachers, and public figures, including Councilman Steve Gregory, Superintendent Chris Williams, Mayor Tom O’Malley of Atascadero, and Pro Tem Mayor Ted Strong were in attendance for the ceremony which lasted roughly an hour and a half.

During the ceremony, staff from Cuesta spoke on the plans for the building, which will be the third permanent structure built on the North County Campus. The building, designed to be 43,000 square feet around and two stories high, will be home to many Cuesta College services which were previously held in the demolished area and are currently located in portables on the campus’ west side.Lot north county cuesta improvements

“We did our first groundbreaking in 1998 and it was on Buena Vista, there wasn’t a building within eye sight. Buena Vista was a dirt road, and it rained. It rained so much that the tent was caving in,” said Dr. Gil Stork, President of Cuesta College, “But the spirit then, and the spirit today is the same. It’s about launching something that hadn’t been done before, and that was the real motivating factor.”

The project is estimated to be completed by fall of 2017 and open and ready by fall of 2018 and will be the biggest project done on the campus since the completion of Dowlin’s Hall in 2012, which currently houses a library and lobby as well as several classrooms and offices. Previously, the demolished area consisted of several modular buildings which housed many student services.

The new two-story building will house the services previously housed by these buildings such as admissions, public safety, assessment, and the bookstore, as well as services which previously weren’t at the North County Campus such as the Veteran’s Center.

“We’re very excited because not only does it bring high level buildings and an atmosphere and community for higher education, but it really helps with Paso Robles Joint Unified and our partnership with Cuesta, “said Superintendent Chris Williams of Paso Robles Joint Unified School District, “we really appreciate Dr. Gil Stork and the city for helping us to build a top notch facility for our students.”

About the author: News Staff

News staff of the A-Town Daily News wrote and edited this article from local contributors and press releases. Scott Brennan is the publisher of this newspaper and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on , Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog. He can be reached at [email protected].

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