Local weatherman hosting El Nino presentation

John Lindsey and family.
John Lindsey will discuss El Nino phenomenon and weather safety preparedness
–As part of the theme, “Discover Your Own Community at San Luis Obispo Libraries,” local weatherperson John Lindsey will discuss the El Nino phenomenon and weather safety preparedness at the Atascadero Library.
Lindsey is a corporate relations representative and marine meteorologist for Pacific Gas and Electric Company at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant.
The program will held be on Thursday, Jan 7, at 6:30 p.m. in the Martin Polin Community Room. The program is for ages 12 and over.
Lindsey has forecasted weather and oceanographic conditions along the Central Coast of California for over 25 years. His forecast can be heard every morning on 920 KVEC radio. He writes a weekly column that appears in Sunday’s edition San Luis Obispo Tribune.
The Atascadero Library is located at 6555 Capistrano Ave.
For more questions, call the information desk at (805) 461-6162.