‘Trick or Treat on Main Street’ comes to Templeton
–On Friday, Oct. 30 from 3-6 p.m., over 25 businesses up and down Main Street from 1st to 8th streets will be greeting ghouls, ghosts, superheroes and princesses in the first “Trick or Treat on Main Street” event in Templeton.
Local families are encouraged to come find a spot on Main Street as early as 1:45 p.m. to watch the Templeton High School Homecoming Parade, then stay for safe and fun trick or treating in the downtown area of Templeton. Look for the pumpkin poster in the window of participating businesses or refer to the list on the Templeton Chamber homepage, www.templetonchamber.com.
Trick or treat bags will be available and a “Cutest Kid” Facebook photo contest will be held at the Chamber office, located at 321. S. Main St.