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City helps North County Humane Society’s spay neuter program 

–By Jackie Iddings

–The Atascadero City Council recently approved the city’s annual donation to the North County Humane Society. This donation funds spay/neuter vouchers for the cats and dogs belonging to Atascadero residents.

According to North County Humane Society Shelter Manager Sherry Chapman, establishing this fund for city residents makes Atascadero unique among North County governments. “We have two spay/neuter funds,” said Chapman, “one is the general fund that provides vouchers for the entire North County and the second one is the Atascadero City fund that is only for residents of Atascadero.” There was $4,750 approved for this year. The city has been funding the program since 1983.

The humane society’s spay/neuter program provides $25 vouchers to offset the costs of these surgeries. Their program applies to dogs and cats and for feral cat caretakers. To receive a certificate, first make an appointment with a vet to schedule the surgery. On the surgery date, stop by NCHS to pick up a voucher. Vouchers are good for 30 days from the issuing date. Present the voucher when paying the bill at the veterinarian to receive the discount. All North County veterinarians honor the vouchers.

NCHS primarily shelters and re-homes cats but works very closely with a number of organizations that rescue and re-home dogs. Chapman said, “We often accept donations of dog food and other items for dogs and we store them for distribution among dog shelters.”kittens

NCHS also microchips both dogs and cats, and as of January 1 this year, micro-chipping is only $1 per pet instead of the usual $15 thanks to a grant. They frequently hold microchip clinics at North County dog parks as well as offering the service by appointment at their Atascadero headquarters.

For 2013 and 2014 NCHS re-homed 673 kittens and cats and expects the re-home at least 365 for 2015. They have a unique neo-natal program for kittens that need to be bottle fed. Nursing kittens that are orphaned or have been otherwise separated their mothers are evaluated by a veterinarian and receive the nutrition and attention they need. Much of the neo-natal care is provided by volunteer foster homes where the kittens can receive the regular around-the-clock feedings they need.

NCHS is holding a “Bowling for Cats” fundraiser at Paso Bowl on Oct. 24. North County Humane Society is located at 2300 Ramona Road, Atascadero. Learn more about the upcoming fundraiser and their services at or call (805) 466-5403.

About the author: News Staff

News staff of the A-Town Daily News wrote and edited this article from local contributors and press releases. Scott Brennan is the publisher of this newspaper and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on , Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog. He can be reached at [email protected].

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