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2015 Templeton weed abatement rules 

As of the writing of this article, Templeton has received below average rainfall. Hopefully more rain is on the horizon. Cutting and/or spraying now will make the maintaining of your property more manageable in late spring. Due to lack of rainfall, many large bushes and trees have been stressed or have died. The dead material will need to be removed as part of the abatement process.

Trimming the hedges, cutting the grass, and clearing the fields to make Templeton fire-safe is what weed abatement is all about. To assist you in complying with the Templeton Community Services District Weed Abatement Ordinance, here are the following are minimum acceptable standards.Weed clearing

Weed Abatement MUST be Maintained From May 1st through November 30th

Three Acres or Less

Parcels of 3 acres or less must be mowed or disked completely.

Three Acres or Larger

Parcels three acres and larger may be mowed or disked completely, but must have as a minimum soil firebreaks around the perimeter and cross breaks at intervals breaking each block in no greater than 1 acre (or as directed by the Templeton Fire Department). Firebreaks shall be a minimum of 30 feet in width at perimeters and cross breaks and 50 feet minimum around structures. Down slope clearances from structures shall be a minimum of 100 feet. Clearances around and under oak trees shall be a minimum of 30 feet.

Mower Height and Equipment

Your mower height must be set at a maximum height of three inches unless conditions require a greater height that shall be determined by the fire chief. All equipment used for weed abatement work shall be equipped with proper spark arresters, mufflers, etc. A fire extinguisher of pressurized-water or back-pump type shall be required on equipment for immediate accessibility and use.


2015 Timeline

May 1st – All lots are to be in compliance with TCSD ordinance
May 2nd-8th – Properties inspected for non-compliance
May 19th – TCSD Board holds public hearing for non-compliant lots
June 2nd – District Contractor authorized to clear non-compliant lots

Paso Robles Weed Abatement services are offered by Ant’s Tractor Mowing. Ant’s Tractor Mowing also serves all of the Central Coast.

Ant’s Tractor Mowing
330 Old Settler Road
Paso Robles, CA 93446
(805) 203-0669

About the author: News Staff

News staff of the A-Town Daily News wrote and edited this article from local contributors and press releases. Scott Brennan is the publisher of this newspaper and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on , Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog. He can be reached at [email protected].

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