10,800 gallons of sewage spills into San Luis Obispo Creek
Public advised to avoid water contact in the creek in the general area of South Higuera and Los Osos Valley Road
–Approximately 10,800 gallons of sewage was released into San Luis Obispo Creek on Monday due to a sewage line blockage into a storm drain that is connected to the creek.
The storm drain is located within the in the Silver City Mobile Home Park, located at 3860 South Higuera in San Luis Obispo. The City of San Luis Obispo Utilities Department assisted the Silver City Mobile Home Park personnel by immediately clearing the blockage to restore flow to the city sewer line thus stopping the release to the storm drain. The responsibility for maintaining the system is the responsibility of the park.
The agency advises to avoid water contact in the creek in the general area of South Higuera and Los Osos Valley Road.
Pursuant to AB 800 the local health officer and the director of environmental health shall immediately notify the public of a discharge of a hazardous substance or sewage to the waters of the state if it is necessary to safeguard public health and safety.